20+ Years Experience

Specialist SAP Assessments

Meet the Team

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Martin Williams – Founder & CEO

With a vision to revolutionise energy efficiency in homes, Martin founded SAP Assessments.

With over 20 years in environmental engineering, Martin leads the team with unparalleled expertise and a commitment to sustainability.

Emily Johnson – Head of Assessments

Emily, an accredited energy assessor, heads our assessment team. Her meticulous approach and deep understanding of SAP methodologies ensure precise and reliable assessments for every property.

Mark Smith – Operations Manager

Mark oversees the day-to-day operations of SAP Assessments. His organisational skills and attention to detail ensure smooth and efficient service delivery to all our clients.

Sarah Davies – Customer Relations Manager

Sarah is the friendly voice behind our customer service. She’s dedicated to providing exceptional support and ensuring that our clients’ experiences are seamless and satisfactory.

David Brown – Technical Lead

David leads our technical team, bringing cutting-edge technology and innovative solutions to our assessment processes. His expertise in energy-efficient technologies is instrumental in advancing our services.

Rachel Jones – Marketing Director

Rachel spearheads our marketing efforts. Her creative strategies and passion for environmental sustainability help spread the word about the importance of energy efficiency and our role in it.

Sam Turner – Financial Controller

Sam manages the financial aspects of SAP Assessments, ensuring fiscal health and strategic budgeting. His sharp financial acumen is key to our sustainable growth.

Lucy White – Sustainability Consultant

Lucy works closely with clients to understand their needs and provide tailored advice on improving their properties’ energy efficiency. Her role is pivotal in helping clients achieve their sustainability goals.

Tom Harris – Research and Development

Tom is at the forefront of researching new methodologies and technologies in energy assessment. His work keeps SAP Assessments at the cutting edge of the industry.

Katie Lee – HR Manager

Katie is responsible for maintaining our vibrant company culture and ensuring that our team is supported and thriving. She’s the go-to person for all HR-related matters within the company.

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